Monday, April 1, 2013

April Update - and an early birthday resolution.

Heya peeps - Happy April Fools day! Also chocolate egg day, hot cross bun day, and scratch yer bits day... not sure if that last one is real, though.

So I guess monthly  updates is the go.. except i'm going to do my damndest to update  29 more times this month. I have my birthday in a few days, and i'm travelling at the end of the month, so it's not like i'll have nothing to talk about. I have the blogger app on my phone,too,so I really have no excuse.

The pattern making juice has ebbed, this last  month - no new patterns short of a couple of sampler bands for the upcoming sprite stitch monthly challenge, and a quick Growlithe pattern that I made from an old red/blue sprite for a phone case I got,and promptly stitched all over.

So my resolution is to update once a day, for at least April, even if it's just a photo.


I finally took the crotch of the onesie I made last october up. No more red tomato sack onesie for me!

(it was really cold when I was over in Perth last. My bestie talked me  into it, and we just bought what was left on the bolt of the cheapest fleece we could find) It's not winning any beauty contests, but it's very good at being comfy and warm.

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